
Shadow Loving Vines

Epipremum hall ivy: Also known as potos ivy. You can grow it outdoors in partially shaded areas. Although it is resistant to light changes; does not like direct light. Scindapsus creeper: Also known as house ivy. It is an easy-care, durable, care-free type of ivy. It is a complete shade-loving ivy. If it is exposed to the sun directly, its color will fade. Ceropegia woodii (Heart to heart flower): It is a very nice looking plant with heart-shaped leaves. It is drought resistant. It likes semi-shade areas. You can position it on the balcony in summer and inside your home in winter. Green Leaf Telegraph Flower: There are several types. Green leaves do not like the sun. Therefore, only this species is included in the group of shade-loving flowers. It is cold tolerant and grows fast. You can place it in a bright but not direct sun location in your home or garden. Shade-Loving Garden Flowers Rose varieties: Rose can grow in the shade. However, it should benefit from the sun for a few hours...

Shade-loving flowers

Shade-loving flowers, as you can imagine, are plants that you can grow indoors, in the living room, on the covered balcony or in the sunless or low-sun areas of your garden. Some shade-loving plants can also stay in the sun. But this is a temporary situation. Excessive sunlight will damage shade-loving plants. Too much sunlight can result in burning, yellowing, drying of the leaves of the plant, slowing down in growth, fading in colors and even drying out of the plant. For this reason, make sure that your indoor and shade-loving plants that you will put on the windowsill in your home are not exposed to excessive sun. If you are considering planting shade-loving plants in your garden, determine which areas in your garden remain in the shade during the day. At certain times of the day, the sun can reach some points in your garden. By identifying these points, be careful not to plant shade-loving flowers, but sun-friendly plants or semi-shade-loving plants. What are shade-loving flower...

Orchid care

  Flowers are precious guests who share every moment of our lives. Sometimes we buy and grow flowers to beautify our home and sometimes to grow them with love. On some days; They are sent by our loved ones and share our happiness. The more we care for them, the more they show their beauty. From this page, you can learn the basics of caring for the flowers that are common to your home. Orchid Care Phaleonepsis Orchid Care How to care for an orchid, which can preserve its beauty for many years when well cared for and becomes more beautiful with each new flower? What are the orchid care tips, how to care for orchids at home, how to make orchids bloom and you can get answers to many other questions from this page. We have prepared all the necessary information about orchid care for you. Features of Orchid Orchids, which have about 880 genera and more than 22.000 species in the world, are spread over a wide area, mostly in the tropics. Phalaenopsis orchid, which is one of the most...